Thursday 10 January 2013

What we memories

Over the coming weeks BAND will be updating our Blog with a serious of short articles from members of the staff team, based around their memories of play. Some of the articles will also appear in the BAND newsletter which is available by contacting the office 
What we remember………….
We all know that there are many many articles about how children nowadays spend too much time indoors or on the computer and how they rarely play outdoors anymore – many factors have played a part in that. BAND are quite a small staff team of varying ages and we all have different memories of play and what play means to us. So I thought that I would talk to the team and find out what they remember playing with or doing when they were younger……
Ellie (Young in the 80’s):
I lived in a small cluster of houses in a little village in the New Forest and the thing I remember the most is a distinct lack of adults! I was lucky enough to have a huge garden too. I remember playing with my fried Hilary who was my age and my little sister a lot – mainly making dens and hiding out in them. I remember my older brother, who had 2 friends his age – tom and Philip, playing a lot of tricks on us – the main one I remember is falling in rather a large hole that they had covered over with twigs and branches and they thought that was hilarious!
I remember rolling down hills, getting very muddy, jumping in fords and getting my wellies stuck in mud which I seemed to be attracted to (and still am…) I remember playing badminton with a distinct lack of rules, and when we were inside, I remember being in our playroom and dressing up a lot – in fact there are rather a few incriminating photos of me ‘modelling’ some rather atrocious dresses! 
I remember believing that there was a ghost on our stairs, trying to dress up the cat (!) and playing doctors and hospitals with friends. But I honestly don’t remember many adults being around. Apart from a loud voice at tidy up or dinner time and feeling rather annoyed with them……..
Tell us here at BAND what you remember doing…we’d love to hear from you!

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